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Welcome to The Cambridge Physiotherapy Injuries and Education Resources

At The Cambridge Physiotherapy, we look forward to helping you with your injuries so you can live a better painfree life.This section of our website is designed to provide you with educational information on injuries and conditions that we treat at The Cambridge Physiotherpay. 

Our Injuries & Conditions resources are for the informational purposes only. Do not diagnose, self treat, or attempt any exercises from the content on this site without contacting The Cambridge Physiotherpay, your physician or a qualified specialist first.

At The Cambridge Physiotherpay we offer Physiotherapy, Massagetherapy, Chiropractic care, Spinal Decmopression, Acupuncture, Bracing ,Orthotics, Shockwave therapy, electro therapy and Laser therapy treatment options.



Physiotherapy in Cambridge for Neck and upper back pain/ Research articles 

Mechanical Neck Pain

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

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